just (조금 전) / already (벌써) / yet (아직)
81. Are Diane and Paul here? / No, they didn’t arrive yet. (haven't arrived yet.)
Diane과 Paul이 여기에 있니? / 아니, 그들은 아직 도착하지 않았어.
82. Did Diane and Paul arrive yet? / No, not yet.
Diane과 Paul 벌써 도착 했니? / 아직.
I’ve lost my key / I lost my key last week.
83. We didn’t take a vacation last year.
우리는 작년에 휴가를 떠나지 않았어.
84. William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer.
윌리암 셰익스피어는 1564년부터 1616까지 살았고, 그는 작가였어.
85. What time did Andy go out?
Andy는 몇 시에 외출했니?
86. Have you ever been to Spain?
스페인에 가본 적 있니?
is done / was done (수동태)
87. Oranges are imported into Canada
오렌지는 캐나다로 수입 돼.
88. I am never invited to parties.
나는 파티에 초대된 적 없어.
89. When was the telephone invented?
전화기는 언제 발명되었니?
90. I was born in Colombia in 1989.
나는 콜럼비아에서 1989에 태어났어.
is being done / has been done
91. My car is at the garage. It is being repaired
내 자동차는 차고에 있어. 그것은 수리중이야.
92. Some new houses are being built across from the park.
몇몇의 새 집들이 공원 반대편에 지어지고 있어
93. Has this shirt been washed?
이 셔츠는 세탁된 것이니?
94. The room isn’t dirty any more. It has been cleaned
이 방은 더 이상 더럽지 않아, 청소되었거든.
현재시제와 과거시제에서 be / have / do
95. It wasn’t raining, so we didn’t need an umbrella.
비가 오지 않아서, 우리는 우산이 필요 없었어.
96. How was the window broken?
어떻게 창문이 깨진 거니?
97 Tom has never ridden a horse.
Tom은 말을 타본 적이 없어.
98. Chris doesn’t go out very often.
Chris는 자주 외출 하지 않아.
규칙동사와 불규칙동사
99. I made a cake yesterday.
어제 케이크를 만들었어
100. I have made some coffee.
커피 몇 잔을 타왔어.